Speaker. Artist. Illusionist.
Shane's Programs
Evangelist Shane Wilbanks is a speaker, artist, and illusionist dedicated to helping churches and organizations capture attention and communicate Christ. As the founder and president of Make Known Ministries Inc., Shane encourages and equips Christians while evangelizing non-Christians. His unique ministry, characterized by fun illusions, amazing paintings, and clear messages, has been described as outstanding, captivating, and engaging. Shane’s personal story showcases the grace of God’s power in his weakness, and his talents as a Gospel Airbrush Artist and Illusionist allow him to creatively convey the mystery of the Gospel.
With over 20 years of ministry experience, Shane has served as a full-time Pastor of Students and Families in churches of varying sizes. In 2016, Shane took a significant step of faith to become a full-time Evangelist, presenting to over 90,000 people globally in the first two years. He has seen thousands respond to the Gospel and lives transformed, sharing the stage with notable Christian artists like David Crowder and Toby Mac. Shane is available for children, youth, and family events, both one-time and multi-day, and looks forward to partnering with you to add value to your event and invest in your group.
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