Illusions, Comedy, Circus Arts
Boston's Programs
Juggling, circus arts, illusion, comedy, audience participation, a clear gospel presentation, and more! Get ready to give your audiences an experience that will take your event to the next level!
Boston first began his performing career studying magic for 3 years under Christian illusionists, Brett A. Myers and Duane Laflin. He then shifted his focus to juggling and circus arts, training under 9-time Guinness world record holder, Neils Duinker. Following this, Boston went on to create acts and shows of his own!
In 2019, he was featured in Magic and Wonder’s production “Imagine”, debuting one of the first cyr wheel acts ever to be featured in Lancaster County! Following the success of this act, he continued on to perform in 9 different theatrical productions, totaling 600+ performances! He has also performed with multiple theme park venues including Dutch Wonderland and Knoebels, along with countless celebration events for businesses, churches, summer camps, colleges, retirement homes, conferences, and more!
What takes Boston’s show to the next level is his message of the gospel truth and his personal story of overcoming. Diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome at the age of 7, Boston has been facing significant setbacks his whole life. In the show, he openly talks about these struggles and shares how the Lord played a key role in helping him overcome them. He also shares how the Lord guided him to a career in performing, and the amazing things God has been able to do as a result!
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