Joe Bruce

Ventriloquist. Artist.

Joe's Programs

Joe, with his rich background as a children’s pastor, youth pastor, senior pastor, professional artist, father of ten, and husband of one, brings a unique diversity to his presentations. Drawing from a variety of ventriloquist characters and artistic mediums, Joe appeals to people of all ages, educational backgrounds, and economic statuses. His quick wit and clever characters convey messages of redemption and restoration, crucial in today’s culture. Using "Joe’s Garage" as a theme, he and his characters address character issues and real-life concerns through God's plan and His Word.

Joe's performances might include drawing a child's caricature in under 60 seconds, painting a large likeness of Christ, or bringing a portrait to life. His one-time events feature ventriloquism, ballooning, impressions, storytelling, and his artwork, often involving conflict resolution and audience participation. At camps, Joe captivates children and adults with Bible verses taught Rebus style, airbrushed felt Bible stories, interactive games, and high-energy music, ensuring a memorable and engaging experience for all.


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[email protected]


149 Heron Trail, West Monroe, LA 71291