Comedy. Drama. Illusion.
Tom's Programs
Beginning in 1976, Tom juggled his way into the hearts of audiences with a captivating mix of comedy, drama, and illusion, using his boundless imagination to communicate the Gospel. For nearly three decades, Tom has delighted audiences of all ages, from preschoolers to senior adults, with his unique and inventive approach. Utilizing preaching, drama, mime, juggling, balloon parables, illusion, comedy, and energetic characters, he conveys the Gospel in a way that resonates with a diverse range of ages, races, and denominations across the country. Tom has been featured at major youth conferences, with the Billy Graham Evangelical Association, and has entertained at several military bases overseas, teaching deployment-readiness to children.
Tom describes his ministry as incredibly diverse, allowing him to reach kids with the Gospel one day and entertain 1,000 adults the next, seamlessly moving between laughter and tears. His heart is especially drawn to young people during this pivotal time in their lives. With simple, child-like faith and a blend of juggling, balloon parables, drama, illusions, and mime, Tom Toombs delivers a unique ministry of love and laughter that appeals to the "kid" in all of us. His performances are a testament to his gift for reaching different ages and a broad spectrum of people, making his ministry truly impactful and memorable.
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